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In a constant search for excellence in its processes, quality, innocuousness of its products and commitment to the environment, Nutryplus has achieved the following certifications:

Mejores Empresas Mexicanas

Nutryplus has been recognized as one of the Best Mexican Companies 2021.

Mejores Empresas Mexicanas is an initiative promoted by Citibanamex, Deloitte and Tecnológico de Monterrey, whose objective is to recognize Mexican private medium-sized companies with a high level of performance in business management.

FSSC 22000

It is a certification for food safety management systems that consists of the following elements: ISO 2200: 2005, FSSC 22000 V4.1 – ISO TS 22002-1: 2009 (Food) and additional requirements of FSSC 22000, specifically aimed at the food manufacturing sector. It is recognized by the Global Food Security Initiative (GFSI).

The implementation of this system garantees food security throughout the supply chain, since we demonstrate compliance with the legislation, norms and guidelines regarding safety and food safety.

Clean Industry

The protection of the environment, natural resources and the search for a balance between productive development and nature are some of the fundamental pillars of Nutryplus, which is why we are recognized as a Clean Industry, a certification issued by PROFEPA. This verifies that the company operates in full compliance with environmental regulation in the following areas: air, water, emissions to the atmosphere, soil, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, noise, energy, industrial safety, use of the natural resources, among others.


The Kosher certification is granted to companies that meet the necessary requirements to be suitable suppliers for the Jewish community. It is a system of food revision according to the Jewish ritual and which is determined by a set of religious criteria. Due to the high level of control that this certification has, Kosher products are linked to higher quality products.

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